Oxford Wheels Project is a local charity run by a bunch of skate and BMX nuts, who after years of hard work and determination have built a rather impressive park in Meadow Lane, just off Iffley Road in Oxford. On 5th July they acted as hosts for the Globe skate team when they hit Oxford as part of their Globe EU Trippin’ tour. I’d heard that one of my heroes, Rodney Mullen, would be in attendance so myself and the kids headed off for an afternoon watching some of the finest skaters in the world, and the chance to meet a true legend of skating. We were successful on both counts, watching the Globe guys (and the locals) tearing the park up and, best of all, meeting Rodney himself (see last picture in this set for evidence!).

As well as catering for experienced skaters they also run skate lessons on Sunday mornings, so I’m in the process of trying to convince the kids (at least my eldest) to sign up and get involved with what seems to be a very friendly and welcoming bunch of people. He was all for it until he saw several people stack it quite spectacularly, at which point his enthusiasm seemed to decrease somewhat. I’m happy to say that since then he’s changed his mind and is up for giving it a go, helped by the guys at SS20 giving him and his sister a couple of skating magazines when I popped in for some advice and to have what I feared would be the embarrassing “dad trying to get his kids into skating” conversation. They were ace, and I didn’t feel anywhere near as much of a berk as I though I might. Cheers lads.

All photos taken on a Fujifilm X-T1 and XF35mm f/1.4 lens (both kindly lent to me by the lovely people at Fuji UK) whilst attempting to keep my 4 and 6 year old companions, who had stood patiently for hours, entertained. I was also trying not to lose our spot, hence all these photos are taken from pretty much the same place.

Please be patient whilst images load. This may take some time…

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All images ©Paul Browse Photography
